Results for "philosophy"
- By C. phenomenologist, developed a philosophy that cent...ment:Central to Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy is the co...known for his contributions to philosophy of langua...ter-subjectivity:Wittgenstein’s philosophy emphasize...
- By C. Stefan...ns influential in a wide range of disciplines, including linguistics, philosophy, anthropo...ove Peirce's theory?Ludwig Wittgenstein, another monumental figure in philosophy, approach...
- By C. Stefan...m argument, proposed by John Searle, and the philosophy of Ludwig...simulate mind-like processes).Wittgenstein's PhilosophyLudwig the intersections between Wittgenstein's philosophy and the C...
- By C. StefanHeidegger's philosophy, particularly his concepts of Being-in-the-world and the distinction between ready-to-hand (Zuhanden) and present-at-hand (Vorhanden), provide...