Wittgenstein @ EM - Gedankenexperimente & Gedankbewegungen durch AI
This is the Wittgenstein @ EM website that tries to gather relevant information on Wittgenstein and his work in an unconventional way.
In a Questions posing and Answers framework with the help of AI, generative AI, Chats, Other websites etc.
A website to have a collection of “prompts” to different generative engines.
Of questions, that in the end to serve the purpose of getting a faithful image of the philosopher's work and intermediating a dialogue of the researcher with his work. And in a way that it is relevant to the Essentia Mundi AGI research Lab. and to today's projects that could avail of his works.
The website is also everything around Wittgenstein's work, in the sense that it can contain references to other authors (eg. K. Poper, S. Pierce, etc.)