Activity of C. Stefan
- C. Stefan created a page Merleau-Ponty's primacy of perception and the embodied nature of human experience and...Merleau-Ponty with his theory of the role played by bodily action, language, and our membership within a community that shares a way of life. What is the core, main ideas of his work?Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a French phenomenologist, developed a...
- C. Stefan created a page Peirce's semiotics and Wittgenstein's context-dependent understanding of signsCharles Sanders Peirce is a pivotal figure in the development of semiotics, the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. Peirce's semiotic theory is intricate and comprehensive, encompassing various core concepts that have...
- C. Stefan created a page Wittgenstein and the Chinese Room argument.The Chinese Room argument, proposed by John Searle, and the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein both provide deep insights into the nature of understanding, language, and mind. Here's an exploration of the main ideas, intersections, and implications...
- C. Stefan created a page The Heideggerian approach to AI in which the frame problem might be dissolved.Heidegger's philosophy, particularly his concepts of Being-in-the-world and the distinction between ready-to-hand (Zuhanden) and present-at-hand (Vorhanden), provides a unique perspective on artificial intelligence and the frame problem. The frame...
- C. Stefan bookmarked The Frame Problem“The first significant mention of the frame problem in the philosophical literature was made by Dennett (1978, 125). The puzzle, according to Dennett, is how “a cognitive creature … with many beliefs about the world” can update those beliefs when it...
- Abstract:“On the philosophical front, my work has been much influenced by the later writings of Wittgenstein, which I see as an antidote to our natural dualistic tendencies. The upshot is that, rather than asking what consciousness *is* (and placing...
- C. Stefan published a blog post The way to leverage best LLMs at schools and researchThe better opportunity for educational sector, is a shift from generating the paper works with the help of LLM to discussing with it.
- C. Stefan created a page Q&A Chat PromptsQ&A Chat Prompts:
- C. Stefan bookmarked Wittgenstein at StanfordWittgenstein at Stanford
- C. Stefan published a blog post Wittgenstein @ EM - Gedankenexperimente & Gedankbewegungen durch AIThis is the Wittgenstein website that tries to gather relevant information on Wittgenstein and his work.